FREE Fit Test Assessment
Welcome to Fitness with Fido
Fitness with Fido is a combination of the love of fitness and dogs. We create workout programs that are designed to tone and strenghten your body while including your dog with fitness and obedience drills rotating back and forth. We offer Doga, Puplates, Get Fit with Fido, Canine Conditioning and more!
Enjoy your FREE Fit Test from our Best in Show Challenge Day 31!
Modify anything for you or your dog. Read the descriptions before your start to get the best results and don’t forget to keep track of your results.
Best In Show Online Workout Program
The Best in Show Online Workout Program is power packed with over 30 workouts that include your dog each day!
- The workouts range from dog training to full body exercises for your dog
- Average completion for each workout is 30-60 minutes of your time
- Daily Inspirational Videos
- Nutritional Saturdays to learn about what you’re consuming
- Self-Care Sundays because improving yourself starts from the inside out
- Over 100+ Exercise Video Tutorials
- Eating Plan Included
- Access to a private Facebook Group with our Fido Tribe
- One Time Fee and Lifetime Access!
- Enjoy bonding with your dog and more!
Before you begin, look back at your results from Day 1, so you can compare and conquer!
Day 1’s Results:
Day 31’s Results:
Equipment needed today: Timer, Hurdle & Dog Treats
Dog Fit Test
Warm Up
1 minute rounds with 1 minute rest. Have your dog do their best while maintaining good form.
- How many Back & Forth Hurdles in a minute?
- How many Sits in a minute?
- How many Dog Push Ups in a minute?
- How many Dog Burpees in a minute?
- Hold a Stay until Failure
Cool Down
People Fit Test
Warm Up
1 minute rounds with 1 minute rest. Try to push yourself for your best results while maintaining good form.
- How many Jumping Jacks in a minute?
- How many Squats in a minute?
- How many Push Ups in a minute?
- How many Burpees in a minute?
- Plank until Failure
Cool Down
Warm Up
It’s important for you and your dog to each warm up before working out to get the blood flow to all your muscles & joints for optimal performance and reduce injuries. Typically 2-10 minutes is a good time frame for a warm up focusing on the core & spine as that’s the powerhouse, but since we are working on both the upper and lower body we want to warm everything up!
Include some or all of these types of movements in your warm up today: Jumping Jacks, Standing Mountain Climbers, Arm Circles, Squats, Walking Lunges with Twist, Walking Caterpillars, Side Lunge Hops, Hip Circles, Hip Rotations, Toe Touches; about 10-20 reps/exercise. For you dog’s warm up include: Funder Game, Figure 8, Weave thru Legs, Wrap Around, Side Stepping, Walking Backwards, Spin/Turn; about 5-10 reps/exercise.
Depending if you completed your dog walk beforehand, you can go on the lighter side of reps, if it was a cold, hot or rainy day and didn’t fit a walk in, go on the longer side of reps. Enough to feel warmed up, but not too many so you still have energy for today’s workout! Include all or some of the above exercises, but make sure it’s a variety working on all your planes of motion.
Back and Forth Hurdle
- You’ll only need one hurdle as your dog is going to hurdle back and forth over one hurdle to work on their fast twitched muscles.
- Stand to the side of the hurdle in the center, then lure your dog over the hurdle, then call them back over to hurdle the other way.
- This drill is about speed, so the height of the hurdle should be relatively low, no higher than half their leg height (up to their hock/elbow)
- Keep track of how many times they jump over the hurdle!
- We are trying to see how many sits your dog can do within a minute!
- Some dogs need to reset after each sit by walking around then sitting, some dogs can do a sit, stand, sit back to back. So do any combination that best suits your dog. Either way is fine just keep track of their sits so you can record it!
- If you’re still trying to teach your dog sit, here’s an article explaining a few different ways to teach them:
Dog Push Ups (Sit, Down, Sit)
- First place your dog in a sit, then lure them into a down. Once they’re in a down lure them back into a sit, that is one rep.
- Typically the hard part is luring them back into a sit from the down. It takes a little bit of practice to teach them to sit back up, but this is great for their shoulder muscles!
Dog Burpees
- Kind of similar to your burpee and a dog push up, first place your dog in a down, then lure them up into a sit.
- Once in their sit, try to have them pop up for a dog hop for one rep.
- It takes some practice for your dog to figure out to pop up up out of the sit, but keep practicing and to make this more of a fluid move, going from a sit, down and pop up!
- Modified – your dog may sit up into “sit pretty” as they’re learning and that’s okay! Just be careful they don’t tip over and still keep working up into a hop.
Stay until Failure
- Place your dog in a stay.
- If you’re still working on teaching your dog to stay, that’s fine.
- If your dog can hold a stay for a longer period of time, try walking in to different rooms or add distractions to challenge them.
- Keep track of the time to beat day one’s results!
Jumping Jacks
- Stand with your feet hip distance apart, with your arms at your sides, then, simultaneously raise your arms out to the sides and over your head, and jump your feet out so they’re slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Quickly reverse the movement.
- Try not to jump too wide to protect the knees and ankles.
- Modified – Eliminate the jump and step out to the right and left for one rep while raising your arms above your head.
- Try and have your hands touch every time they’re above your head to get full extension and don’t forget to count!
- When doing your squats you want your feet a little more than shoulder width apart and sit back thru those hips as you go down. As you raise up standing tall and squeeze the glutes.
- Options:
- Squat & Pet -Have your dog sit and give them a pet each time you squat. They will have to focus to stay as they watch you.
- Add some weight while keeping good form.
- Modified – Sit into a chair and stand back up, trying not to use your hands as your raise.
Push Ups
- Start in a plank postition with your shoulders stacked above your wrists
- Lower your chest as close to the ground as you can while maintaining a straight line from your neck, shoulders and hips.
- Modified – drop your knees to the ground and do the same thing.
- Another modification is finding a wall and stepping a couple feet back and bring your nose as close to the wall as possible.
- Don’t forget to count!
- Begin standing up nice and tall with your feet shoulder width apart. Next hop your feet back into a plank position with your wrists stacked under your shoulders, then hop your feet back in towards your chest and reach your arms up towards the ceiling adding a hop.
- Modified is omitting the hops by stepping into plank position, then stepping your feet back, then standing up tall.
- Advanced is to add a push up after you go into plank position.
Plank until Failure
- When doing your plank you want to try and keep everything straightly aligned with your hips up and shoulders stacked above your wrists.
- You can do your plank on your hands or your forearms if you have wrist issues.
- Modified plank can be bird dog pose or on your knees.
- Make sure to keep track of time when you start and end to beat day one’s results!
Cool Down
Cooling down after working out is important as it allows deeper stretching and allowing the muscle tissues to lengthen. Stretching returns the muscle to its natural elongated state. It also helps prevent tightness and soreness which can lead to injury.
For your dog, stretches that they can control themselves is best compared to you stretching them. Wall Stretch, Paws Up, Bow, Neck Stretches, Quad Stretch, High Five are great since they can control how much resistance they want and how long to hold it. Typically 10-30 seconds is a good time frame for their stretches and then focus on massaging them! This is typically their favorite part and massaging helps prevent soreness. You can focus massaging their entire body focusing on the hips, shoulders, neck and belly. This is a great time to check for lumps and bumps, inside their ears and mouth for any foul smells as they are typically more relaxed and will let you look. Massages are great as stretching your dog should only be done if you have knowledge of the canine anatomy. Check out this book for more info on stretching your dog.
Since we worked on our entire body today, we want to focus on full-body stretches. There are many types of stretches to choose from, choose a variety each time: hamstrings, quads and inner thighs like Warrior One, Side Lunge Holds, Figure 4, Calves, Wide Leg Stretch and butterfly. Upper body stretches like Cat/Cow, Spinal Twist, Child’s Pose, Neck Rolls, Thread the Needle and many more! Hold each stretch for about 10 – 30 seconds. 5-20 minutes is a good time frame for cooling down. Also before ending your cool down, do 3-10 deep breaths, inhale in thru your nose and exhale out your mouth, releasing any tension and end the day with giving your dog a hug.
How did you all do?
Do you want to complete the Best in Show Challenge for next 30 days to become the best version of yourself and come back and conquer today’s results?
You’ll become apart of the Fido Tribe, a community of Dog Parent’s living their best lives to be the best version of themselves for not only them, but also for their dog!
You’ll get access to our:
- Private Facebook Support Group
- Plant Based Recipe Guide
- The Dog Exercise Foundations Ebook
- Tips to Help you Stay on Track Ebook
- and more!!
Best In Show Online
Workout Program
The Best in Show Online Workout Program is power packed with over 30 workouts that include your dog each day!
- The workouts range from dog training to full body exercises for your dog
- Average completion for each workout is 30-60 minutes of your time
- Daily Inspirational Videos
- Nutritional Saturdays to learn about what you’re consuming
- Self-Care Sundays because improving yourself starts from the inside out
- Over 100+ Exercise Video Tutorials
- Eating Plan Included
- Access to a private Facebook Group with our Fido Tribe
- One Time Fee and Lifetime Access!
- Enjoy bonding with your dog and more!
One time fee with Lifetime access!
The best in show program is a full body workout for both your and your dog. It’s geared to start at the beginning of the year to help get a kick-start for the new year, but it can be done at anytime throughout the year.
Minimal equipment is required because we want you to get familiar with your body and including your dog in the workouts. We’ll be focusing on the basics to build a solid foundation, but no worries we will still be covering a lot!
Not only is this a workout program, but we believe in mental health awareness and want everyone to feel more comfortable in their skin. When you’re feeling more confident typically your dog will behave better because happiness will spread.
Equipment needed:
- Internet Connection
- 2 hurdles
- Preferably 2 types of platforms, but at least one
- one that’s solid like a stool, stepper, cato board, klimb, etc.
- one that’s filled with air like balance disc, bosu ball, fitbone, etc.
- A pair of weights
- Dog Treats!!