Doga with Genevieve 5 week series

Doga with Genevieve 5 week series

Doga 5 Week Series with Genevieve Are your muscles feeling kinda tight and stiff?Want a chance to hang out with your dog?Want to stretch out your muscles with your dog by your side? Then you’re in the right place! For the next 5 weeks Genevieve will take you...

About Senior Dog Program

Welcome my Senior Pup Friends for a workout program just for you that’s gentle and effective! For the next 3 months we will work on simple moves really focusing on the core as it’s the power house and working on those inner and outer muscles because...
About the Puplates Booty Challenge

About the Puplates Booty Challenge

Puplates Booty challenge This is designed to work on engaging and activating the glutes which are often underworked from people sitting too much causing problems like lower back pain, tight hips and more. Your dog’s lose muscle in their hind-limb first as 60% of their...