February: Bonding

The Dailies

Complete the exercise of the day at their meal times for most engagement with mixture of food and treats to make a “trail mix”

With these daily exercises it will keep your dog intrigued and less stress thinking for you. Gauge your dog and amount of reward, but you can get up to 3 to 10 rounds depending on the exercising and other activities you have going on, so modify and sub anything as needed. If you have a question post in our Facebook group! 

Curved Cavalettis

Sniff and Find my Love Recall

Love for Infinity  – Figure 8’s with your your Legs or Cones

Paw Shake, Sitting & Standing

Paw Shake Foot Tap with You Balance Pose

Selfie Pose on Your Back

Tunnel of Love

Love for Infinity  – Figure 8’s Curb Walking

Love is Blind – Curved Tunnel

V Hold Clap Throws

Where’s the Love? Hat Shuffle Treat Game

Love Handles – Plank Head Nods Side to Side

Love for Infinity – Figure 8s on platform (center)

Hop into Love

Plank Heart Cone Wraps

Love Handles – Down Side to Side

Paws Up V Throws

Love for Infinity – Figure 8s with 2 platforms (left & right)

Sit Up and Pet


Paws Up on You Stretch

Jump into your Arms/Lap

Wall Sit and Crawl

Peek a Boo Forward Fold Stretch

Side Plank Hurdles

Boop Kiss – Nose Targeting

V Hurdles Spin Side Step

Love is Blind – Train in the Dark

Workout of the Month

If you feel up to a full workout, compared to the daily exercises, then here’s your spot! Or add a full one in the morning and the daily in the evening!Â