Doga 5 Week Series with Genevieve

Are your muscles feeling kinda tight and stiff?
Want a chance to hang out with your dog?
Want to stretch out your muscles with your dog by your side?

Then you’re in the right place! For the next 5 weeks Genevieve will take you thru different segments that are about 30 minutes long to release tension while spending time with your dog.

Your dog will be included in the practice, but the main focus will be for you. A more relaxed dog owner typically means a more relaxed dog.

Genevieve is a registered yoga instructor and trained under Kim, owner of Fitness with Fido, to learn the ways of Doga. She enjoys traveling and is also a social worker. She currently owns 3 border collies, Koda, Willow and Summit, and recently lost her other border collie, Copper. Thankfully Coppper was included in this series before he passed away.

Dogs have brought so much happiness into my life and I’m so honored to be able to bring happiness to theirs through bonding and giving them the exercise they need. I’m excited to share this with everyone as well! 

Genevieve is able to do Doga with most of her border collies and so can you!
As with any practice it may take additional training outside of class time so your dog learns how to wait their turn while it’s your turn practicing, but Doga is a perfect place to practice patience! 

Take your dog for a walk if needed before each class to help set the mood, especially for the first week’s class:

Week 1: Slow Flow

Week 2: Twists

Week 3: Core

Week 4: Heart Opener

Week 5: Hip Opener

Bonus video!! “Mundras” Hand Placements and Breathing with your Dog

Equipment needed: dog treats, yoga mat, blocks, platform, chair


Still debating because you’re not sure how your dog will behave for Doga?

We get it and that’s why you will have lifetime access.

So if your dog needs additional training to learn how to stay or maybe a few more years for them to slow down, you can come back whenever to complete the series!

Invest in your health while bonding with your dog over the next 6 weeks!

Plus you get an awesome bonus gift for signing up today!
Sign up today and you will also get “Mundras” Hand Placements and Breathing with your Dog Absolutely FREE!!!

Are your ready to chill and get healthier with your dog without leaving your house?

This class was really awesome and exactly what we needed. Stubby had some teeth removed yesterday, so it was great to channel healing energy through the mudras!


Get all 6 videos, it’s a deal!